Wirral Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group

Group of smiling people with PF information material
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Keeping well this winter
During the colder months, there might be a higher risk of catching coughs and colds when meeting face-to-face. If you're concerned about this, please speak to the group leader for information about how group members are keeping in touch, and how the group manages infection risk.

Read more about managing pulmonary fibrosis in cold weather.

We are hoping to start a pulmonary fibrosis support group on the Wirral and would like to know if you would be interested in joining, or assisting to set up or run the group?

Being diagnosed and living with a lung condition can be challenging. Support groups offer the opportunity to meet others who understand what you are going through and are open to anyone affected by pulmonary fibrosis - patients, family, carers and friends.

The group aims to:

·       Provide a space for emotional support where you can meet other people in similar situation and share your hopes, fears, and aspirations.

·       Offer a range of health care professionals and other experts to give talks and answer any questions or concerns you may have.

·       Provide information on the latest Pulmonary Fibrosis research, developments, events, and signposting advice to other relevant organisations.

Contact details

Please contact wendyj@actionpf.org if you would be interested in attending or volunteering to help.

When we meet


Upcoming dates


Where we meet


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