Talk to someone who has experience of pulmonary fibrosis with APF’s telephone befriending service.
My befriender, Elaine, was my lifeline.
What is telephone befriending?
It's an opportunity to regularly speak on the phone with someone affected by pulmonary fibrosis. We offer up to 6 calls with your befriender which can be arranged at a time suitable for you both.
Your trained volunteer befriender can help you to manage the changes and challenges that life with pulmonary fibrosis can bring. You'll have the opportunity to share your story and talk about your experiences. They can also signpost you to useful information and resources.
Who is it for?
Telephone befriending is for anyone affected by pulmonary fibrosis. You might:
- have a diagnosis yourself
- be a carer, friend or family member of someone with a diagnosis
- know someone who has died from pulmonary fibrosis
Who will be my befriender?
We’ll match you with a trained volunteer befriender. They all have pulmonary fibrosis experience in common and bring a huge range of different experiences and insights. Their connections to the disease vary: some have a diagnosis themselves; some are carers or family members; some have had the disease a long-time; others are recently diagnosed.
We’ll make sure you are matched with someone like-minded who you can connect with.
How do the phone calls work?
Firstly, we'll talk with you about what you want from befriending - this could be more information or simply a listening ear - so that we can match you with the right befriender.
Once the calls start, you and your befriender schedule up to 6 calls. These will last, on average, 30 mins, and can be weekly, fortnightly, monthly - whatever works for you.
APF staff will check in with you about your calls to make sure you are getting what you need from the service.
What do we talk about?
Anything you like! This is your opportunity to speak open and honestly about your thoughts and feelings.
Any information you share will remain confidential so you can build up a trusting partnership with your befriender.
Linda's story
In 2020, Linda’s husband Eric died suddenly at the age of 61 from pulmonary fibrosis. Shortly after his death, Linda found some comfort through APF’s telephone befriending service, and her befriender, Elaine.
“Elaine’s direct experience was invaluable, and it helped that she wasn’t a family member, it meant I could open up to her without fear of upsetting anyone. I was talking to someone who understood what I was going through. It made my family feel better as well, to know that I had some kind of coping mechanism.”
Get in touch about befriending
To register for befriending, or to learn more, fill out the form below and we'll contact you. You can also email support@actionpf.org or call us on 01223 785725.
You can also refer someone to us if you are a healthcare professional or support group. Please ensure you have permission before doing so.
Could you volunteer as a befriender?
Find out more if you’re interested in volunteering as a befriender yourself.