It’s Men’s Health Week and as we lead into the Father's Day weekend, we want to encourage all the men in our community to prioritise their mental and emotional health, so that they can stay on top of their overall well-being and quality of life.
No one experiences the same journey but being mindful and aware of your mental health can help you to lead an optimal life, where you can continue to enjoy what matters to you.
When I received my diagnosis my world collapsed and dark low moods took over my life. I’d seen my father sadly lose his life to IPF. With support, I slowly began to pull myself up and started to look at what I can do and not what I can't.
Andy, North Wales (read more on Andy's story here).
Get support through APF
It’s important to remember that you are not alone. We have a range of support options so you can pick which one best suits your needs:
- Join a support group - There are now over 75 pulmonary fibrosis support groups around the country. Support groups meet informally to share experiences, provide expert information and raise funds and awareness. Find a group near you.
- Call our support line. APF runs an email and telephone support line offering information and advice about living with PF. Find out more.
- Chat with a befriender. Talk to someone on a regular basis who has experience of PF - Telephone befriender service
- Find us on social media. We have an active and supportive online community ready to welcome you. You can find us on Facebook, X and Instagram for updates, news and connections to our online community.
- Watch videos of how other people cope day to day with PF. Catch some on our YouTube Channel.
- Refer to our website. We have a lot of information and support on our website for living well with PF - Living with pulmonary fibrosis
What is Men’s Health Week?
Organised by Men’s Health Forum the week aims to raise awareness of men’s health and to encourage all men to seek help to address any health concerns that they may be experiencing.
Quick Stats on Men’s Mental Health
- Only 12.5% of men report having a mental health condition, such as depression or anxiety disorder (compared to 20% women). 40% of men said that it would take thoughts of suicide or self-harm for them to seek help.
- Just 36% of patients using NHS first line talking therapy services are men.
- A large percentage of those sleeping rough have mental health issues. 87% rough sleepers are men
- 73% of adults who go missing are men.
- About half of all prisoners have mental health issues. 95% of the prison population are men.
- 3.3% of women are dependent on alcohol. The figure rises to 8.7% for men.
- In 2019, 76% of suicides in England and Wales were men (ONS Sept 2020). Suicide is the biggest killer of men under the age of 45.
(For more information, please refer to the following: Key data: mental health | Men's Health Forum)