Meet the winners of our 2024 Summer Studentships!
Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis are proud to announce the winners of our 2024 Summer Studentships, which are delivered in partnership with the British Association for Lung Research (BALR).

University students, Martha and Rachel are undertaking an 8-week summer research study under the mentorship of experienced interstitial lung disease (ILD) researchers, Dr Alison John (Imperial College London), and Dr Rachel Walters (University College London).
We believe that supporting pioneering research and inspiring the ‘next generation’ of scientists to pursue a career in research will make a vital contribution to faster diagnosis, new and better treatments, and improved care for those affected by pulmonary fibrosis (PF). This is only made possible by the generosity of our supporters, and we need more people to donate to keep this vital research alive.

You can join us in September for Pulmonary Fibrosis Awareness Month by Going the Distance and setting your own personal 30-day challenge or Creating a Stir and hosting a party to raise funds.
You can also support us by making a gift towards life changing research. Donate to the Hope for All Research Appeal.
About the research

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Proteins are large molecules, like ‘microscopic machines’, which are essential for the cells in our bodies to work properly. Martha and Rachel will explore the role that two different proteins, RPAP1 and mTORC1, play in driving lung scarring. Both studies aim to advance our biological understanding of pulmonary fibrosis (PF) and to help identify new treatments, or to repurpose existing treatments used in other conditions, with the potential to stop the devastation caused by PF.

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Why did you apply for a BALR-APF Summer Studentship?
I became interested in IPF during my undergraduate Genomics module at the University of Bath - motivating my desire to contribute to scientific understanding that will be used to better the lives of people affected by PF. My goal is to pursue a PhD which combines my interest in pulmonary fibrosis, pharmacology, and drug development -enabling me to achieve a career developing alternative treatments for PF.
- Martha Old.
During my Medical Sciences degree program, I was shocked to learn of the profound physical and emotional challenges faced by people living with PF - which has inspired me to help uncover the intricate processes that drive lung scarring. The BALR-APF Summer Studentship will afford me the chance to gain further proficiency in laboratory techniques that are not only highly transferable but pivotal for pursuing a future career in medical research.
- Rachel Nguygen.
Watch this space for an update, when we will talk to Martha and Rachel about their studentship experience and what new insights have been gained from their research.
Share your lived experience
Want to share your lived experience with scientists to help shape future PF research? Or work with us to create information or stories about research? Contact us at involvement@actionpf.org