My sister Jenny and I have been fundraising for Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis and trying to raise awareness of the disease since mum was diagnosed with IPF. She suffered with it for 8 years and very sadly passed away August last year at just 66 years old.
"We lived with and cared for mum along with dad right until the end when she died at home so we know how horrific this disease is to live with day to day and how much it affects your quality of life and mood. We lost mum far too soon and we hope by fundraising for research for a cure, other people's loved ones can be saved.
Mum loved her artwork and liked nice paintings on the wall at home, so it seemed very fitting to hold an art competition to raise awareness and fundraise for the charity. I used to enjoy drawing and thought it would be a nice activity to do during lockdown in these difficult times, open to all across the UK adults and children. We received many kind donations from various companies and individuals which we offered as prizes. A local artist and tutor selected winners.
We raised £1,040 which we are delighted with yet raising awareness was also one of our aims. Very grateful to everyone who has shared/liked our competition posts on Instagram, Facebook and Twitter as well as Red Rose Directories who advertised the competition and also Wigan Today, who shared our Facebook Pulmonary Fibrosis awareness page."
We are so grateful to fundraisers like Louise and Jenny, every penny make a huge difference to our community.
If you would like to raise funds and awareness for Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis like Jenny and Louise Doran, get in touch or see what fundraising activities we're running at the moment.