Coronavirus is making fundraising even more challenging. Read how Lesley is making adaptions to how she raises money
“When lockdown first started, I was delighted to get some jobs done I've been putting off for a while. All that clearing and sorting that needed doing. I wanted to tackle the spare room and decided to turn it into my sewing room and finally unpack the machine I'd bought for myself 5 years ago. I then needed a project for my new room”.
“I sat down and made masks for my family in whatever fabric I had. They came out so well that friends started asking me for them, so I decided to start charging”.
Lesley set the price at £5 each, with half the money raised to be donated to APF. So far Lesley has made masks for over 40 people, raised over £400 and has sent them all over the country and to America!
APF was the obvious choice for me. My mum died in 2017 and she struggled to breathe with the condition. This new virus is showing how terrible it can be to not be able to breathe and so to protect in a small way against that by wearing a mask and raising money at the same time was a perfect fit.
Lesley has been fundraising for APF for some time now, completing the London Marathon in 2019 and as part of the London Landmark’s Half Marathon Team. What ideas might you have to raise funds during this challenging time? Visit the Get Involved section of our website to find out more about fundraising for APF.