A big thank you to our amazing Great North Runners who completed the half marathon this year and to everyone who supported them. They joined thousands for the city to coast route, which started in Newcastle City Centre and finished in South Shields.
Julia Bigley’s husband Frank was diagnosed with IPF in 2018 and wanted to give something back for the support they have received from APF.
APF has been a great source of support and information for us both in our attempts to come to terms with, and understand, this disease. We have also joined the local Sheffield Pulmonary Fibrosis Support Group. The very first cash donation to this group,which enabled it to form and commence activities, came from APF. We are incredibly grateful for this. As well as the direct support, and assistance provided to our local support group, we are grateful to APF campaigning on behalf of all patients with PF to secure funds for much needed research, improved access to medication and the knowledge of expert health care professionals.

Kevin Walsh and his family have continued to support APF after Kevin’s brother in law, Dave Grieves sadly passed away from pulmonary fibrosis in 2016. Kevin’s other brother in law, Martin Gould sadly passed away suddenly this year and although he didn’t have pulmonary fibrosis, he was a great supporter of APF and Kevin decided to fundraise in Martin’s memory.
The whole experience was amazing - the generosity of my family and friends, the organisation of the event and the enthusiasm of the runners....truly a day to remember and a lot of money raised for an excellent cause.

Catherine Walker wanted to run for APF as her dad is living with pulmonary fibrosis and this is the sixth time Catherine has run in the half marathon!
My fantastic family and friends have been so kind with their donations

Christine Bainbridge signed up for the Great North Run and raised funds in memory of her mum Glenis Bainbridge, who sadly passed away in 2019 from IPF.
I am not a natural runner, but my mum is all the motivation I need. Pulmonary fibrosis is such an underfunded and under researched illness. Over the past 3 years, with the support of many generous people, I have been able to raise nearly £4000 for Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis. I intend to continue raising funds and awareness as long as I possibly can. All in memory of my lovely mum

Jamie Woodhouse wanted to run for APF in memory of his grandad who sadly passed away from IPF in 2017.
I wanted to do an event like this for a while now, and the GNR is the biggest half marathon event in the world, so I decided to sign up! I thought it would be a great opportunity to create some awareness about the disease and also raise a bit of money for the charity.

Thank you so much for your amazing support Great North Runners. If you would like to sign up for a running event, you can register your details here and we will support you all the way.