The Brierley family have long been fundraisers for and supporters of APF and this Christmas they signed up to our December Dash!
Acknowledging that Coronavirus has stopped a lot of fundraising in 2020, Tony said
...we couldn’t let the year end without doing something
The family, including eldest daughter Hayley and grandson Kalum, did several laps of their local area in Greater Manchester whilst his youngest daughter collected cash donations from friends and neighbours during the challenge.
Not wanting to miss out on the fun wife Sue, who has pulmonary fibrosis, did her bit socially distanced inside on her exercise bike and achieved a total of 36 minutes!
Tony said:
“It was another day spent with inspirational people that I love the most, life affirming Xmas spirit and support from friends, family, strangers and even a corporate donation”.
In all they raised over £1,200, adding significantly to the huge sum they have raised over the past few years. This money couldn’t be more appreciated at this particularly challenging time for everyone affected by pulmonary fibrosis when support is needed now more than ever before.
If you would like to raise vital funds for APF, get in touch.