The support team at APF have launched their survey for support groups this week.
The aim of the survey is to find out which areas are of most interest, importance and value to support group leaders and members. This will help inform our future support provision and ensure that we address the needs of the Pulmonary Fibrosis Community. It will also enable us to measure the impact of support groups in the future.
If you are able to spare the time to help us with this, it would be greatly appreciated.
The online surveys can be accessed below:
Support Group Leaders Survey
Support Group Members Survey
For those unable to manage the online survey, pdf versions are available to printout and complete, or alternatively, a paper copy can be sent, if you let us know at support@actionpf.org
The closing date for the surveys is Friday 7th May 2021.
Many thanks for your support in completing the surveys and we look forward to reporting back on the results at future support group leaders meetings.