In 2024, Gloucestershire-based company AIS raised an incredible £5,655 for Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis. After Ian, an AIS employee, devastatingly lost his wife to PF, the company chose us as the beneficiary of their annual fundraising event. In August 2024, Ian, his daughter, and 12 AIS employees walked 50km through Somerset, raising an incredible amount for the cause.
Group Marketing Manager Rob Barrow reflected on the achievement, “walking 50km in Somerset was a challenge, but it was nothing compared to the battle faced by those living with pulmonary fibrosis. Ian’s determination, alongside his daughter Katy, embodied the true spirit of this walk - pushing through the pain with purpose. We are incredibly proud of effort and humbled by the generosity of those who have donated. Every step taken was for Ian’s wife, Rhona, and the thousands affected by this cruel disease.”

Taking on a fundraising challenge as a team not only helps unite colleagues toward a common goal but also boosts employee morale, enhances the company’s public image, and supports a meaningful cause.
Rob said, “raising money for APF this year was one of our biggest achievements”. If you’d like to speak to us about setting your colleagues a challenge this summer, get in touch with our fundraising team at fundraising@actionpf.org