Staying on top of your finances
Bank statements and demands for payment can pile up when you’re not well. It’s worthwhile setting some time aside to open letters or emails relating to your finances. Some people find it helpful to prioritise payments by deadlines or importance.
If you’re feeling down, you may want to get help with your wellbeing so that you feel more able to cope with financial matters.
Budget planning
Over half of UK households keep a regular budget. You’re less likely to end up in debt and it can help when you need to adjust to new financial circumstances. It can also help you identify where you can make savings.
A great way to work out your budget is with the Money Advice Service’s budget planner.
Your bank, building society or pension might have an online budgeting tool too.
Making the most of your money
If you’re spending more than you have coming in, there might be ways you can cut back or generate more income.
There are several government benefits for people with conditions like pulmonary fibrosis. You can also find out about benefits for carers.
You can save hundreds of pounds a year by switching energy or telecoms suppliers. If you’re an older person with pulmonary fibrosis, you might qualify for help with your energy costs. You could also be entitled for free or cheaper travel.
Making food at home instead of eating out or cancelling a gym or club membership you don’t use could make the difference you need. You could also sell new or unwanted goods online or via a local car boot sale. Don’t be afraid to ask a family member to help you.
Preparing for the future
With a progressive illness like pulmonary fibrosis, it can become harder to manage money matters as time goes by. Sorting your finances out while you have the energy can make things easier later. You may also want to think about setting up a power of attorney and doing a will so your family understands your wishes.
Useful Contacts
Age UK
Free advice line: 0800 678 1602
Online advice and guidance specifically aimed at older people:
Benefits and government help
Detailed information about the benefits and government help you might be entitled to.
Citizens Advice
Consumer advice line: 03454 04 05 06
Energy saving
Simple energy advice from the government
Energy saving trust: 0800 444 202 in England and Wales
Home Energy Scotland: 0808 808 2282
Money Advice Service
Free, impartial advice on financial matters set up by government
Information provided by Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis (APF) is not a substitute for professional medical advice. It’s intended as general information only. APF is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for any loss or damage suffered by users resulting from the information published on actionpf.org.
Further information for carers: