What is a carer’s assessment?
A carer’s assessment looks at how caring for someone impacts your life, including the physical, mental and practical aspects, and what support is available for you.
It isn’t a test of your caring abilities, it’s there to help you.
Who can have an assessment?
Anyone over the age of 18 who cares for someone can have a carer’s assessment.
Everyone’s caring role looks different. You might regularly help someone with daily activities such as preparing meals and getting dressed. Or you might occasionally keep someone company if they can’t be left alone. Even if you don’t consider yourself to be a carer, you might be entitled to an assessment.
You are entitled to a carer’s assessment regardless of:
- How often you provide care
- What kind of care you provide
- How long you’ve been doing it for
- What benefits you or the person you care for already receive
- What other assessments you or the person you care for have already had
Why have a carer’s assessment?
Caring for someone can be immensely rewarding but it can also have its challenges. A carer’s assessment can help you to identify where you would benefit from support and to get the right support in place. This support can help you to continue caring for someone whilst also looking after yourself.
Even if you have no difficulties with caring, a carer’s assessment can help with planning for the future. For example, it can help you plan for what to do if you are ill and unable to care for someone.
How do I get a carer’s assessment?
Social services commissions different organisations to carry out carer’s assessments. Enter your postcode on the Carers Trust website to find a local service that carries out carer’s assessments.
If you can't find a service near you that carries out carer's assessments, please contact us at 01733 839642 or email info@actionpf.org.
What happens during an assessment?
An assessment can be done over the phone, online or in person.
Before your assessment, it can be helpful to make a note of what your caring role involves and how it affects your life.
During the assessment, you’ll talk to someone about your caring role. This might include discussing:
- What your caring role looks like e.g. what do you do and when do you do it
- What parts of caring you find challenging
- Your physical health
- Your mental and emotional health
- Your work life
- Your social and family life
- What support you have, whether that is practical, emotional or financial
- What support you would like
What additional support can I get?
The support you can get will depend on your specific situation.
Some carers are offered:
- Equipment or home adaptations
- Breaks from caring with help from professional carers
- Training on relevant caring activities such as moving and handling
- Help with daily tasks such as cleaning
- Help with travel costs
- Benefits advice
- Advice and signposting to help your well-being
Read more about carer’s assessments in England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland.
Information provided by Action for Pulmonary Fibrosis (APF) is not a substitute for professional medical advice. It’s intended as general information only. APF is not responsible for any errors or omissions or for any loss or damage suffered by users resulting from the information published on actionpf.org.
Further information for carers: