COVID-19 is a virus that can affect your lungs and airways. Pulmonary fibrosis (PF) patients are considered extremely vulnerable to COVID-19 infection. There are things you can do to reduce the risk of infection.
You can catch COVID-19 if you have been in close contact with someone who is infected. When a person with the virus coughs, sneezes, breathes or talks, they release droplets into the air. These droplets contain the virus and can be breathed in. You can also pick up the virus by touching surfaces that carry the droplets.
You are at greater risk of becoming very ill with COVID-19 if:
- You are over 70
- You have a respiratory condition like pulmonary fibrosis
- You take immunosuppressant drugs (for example, mycophenolate mofetil, azathioprine, methotrexate) or antifibrotic drugs (pirfenidone and nintedanib)
Reduce your risk of catching COVID-19
- Keep up-to-date with your COVID-19 vaccinations.
- Wash your hands regularly, especially after touching shared surfaces, after coughing or sneezing, and before eating or drinking.
- When washing your hands, ensure you take at least 20 seconds and use soap and water. If soap and water aren't available, use an alcohol hand sanitiser.
- Consider asking your employer if you can work from home.
- Avoid touching your face without first washing your hands.
- Avoid contact with people who have symptoms of COVID-19.
In public spaces
- Consider using a face covering.
- You may want to try staying at least 2 metres away from others.
Preventing others from infecting you
If you live with others, it’s hard to keep separate from them. But you will reduce your risk of getting COVID-19 if you:
- Keep 2 metres (3 steps) away from other family members, sleep on your own and use separate towels and a separate bathroom, if possible
- Keep shared spaces such as kitchens, bathrooms and sitting areas well-ventilated and minimise as much as possible the time other family members spend in these areas.
- Clean any shared bathrooms every time they are used and try to use the kitchen at different times. Family cutlery and crockery should be washed well. Use a separate tea towel for the cutlery and crockery you use.
- Get everybody in the house to wash their hands frequently (20 secs with soap), avoid touching their faces and clean frequently touched surfaces.
Note: Shielding is for your personal protection. It is your choice whether to follow the advice. Individuals who have less than six months to live or some others in special circumstances, could decide not to undertake shielding.