From a small office bake sale to a full-blown bake-off competition, cakes are a great way to fundraise for APF. Dust off your apron and follow these steps to help make your event a recipe for success!
Get in touch! Set up your online fundraising page here! Once you’ve set it up, we’ll be in touch to send out all the materials you’ll need for your big night. We can send you collection tins, buckets, banners and other materials if needed.
When and Where? Choose a date and a place to hold your bake sale.
Advertise. Spread the word about your bake sale. You could advertise it on your company’s intranet page or simply put-up posters to advertise the event around the office.
What? Decide if you want to hold a bake-off or a traditional bake sale.
Theme. Encourage your colleagues, family, and friends to join in and bake too. You could create a theme around the sale depending on when you hold it, for example, Easter, Halloween or Christmas and ask people to bake cakes around that theme.
Judging. If you’re holding a bake-off ask everyone to score the cakes from 1 to 10, with 1 being poor and 10 being the best you’ve ever tasted! You could rate it based on taste, appearance and creativity. Using the average scores crown the winning baker. You could even hold a bakeoff over several weeks and ask senior management to judge the final round for you.
Pricing. Decide on a price for each slice of cake. We would suggest donations in the range of 50p to £2. Make labels for the cakes and add any allergy information.
Enjoy. Good luck with raising lots of dough. Send us pictures! We love seeing picture of our fundraiser’s events, we also love to share them on our social media channels to inspire others.
When you register your event, you can order all the materials you’ll need for your big day. We can send you collection tins, buckets, banners, and other materials if needed.
Don’t forget to download our fundraising pack that is full of useful tips and advice on how to hold a successful event. It includes posters, sponsorship forms and guidance.