Dawn 51, is living with pulmonary fibrosis and has been supported by Susan Hall through the APF support line.
Dawn is 51, has PF and lives alone with no dependents. She is on ambulatory oxygen. Dawn is pretty much housebound – particularly during the cold weather when she finds it hard to breathe. She keeps busy at home with a treadmill, baking and crafts.
Dawn started to shield in February 2020 after an appointment with her consultant who advised her to do so with the rise of the virus. Overnight Dawn literally lost her support system which was primarily though face to face contact. The isolation kicked in after a few weeks along with the realisation that she would be shielding for a long time.
Dawn says:
Lockdown literally shut down my life.
You don’t meet many younger people like myself with PF and it’s rare to find someone who understands what you’re experiencing.
I’m on ambulatory oxygen and live alone so it’s quite a mission to get out and about under normal circumstances. After a couple of months the isolation really hit. I knew I was struggling – as were so many other people during lockdown – but my experiences felt very different.
Despite this, I didn’t really feel that I needed support. My support group thought differently and recommended the APF Support Line. At first, I really didn’t think it would make any difference.
How wrong was I! I really can’t overestimate the impact Susan has had on me. She inspires me so much. I think what makes it so impactful is that Susan is a similar age to me and totally understands the specific challenges of living with PF. It’s very different to speaking with a supportive friends. The impact she’s had on me is tremendous.
I would say it’s a lifeline
I so look forward to our weekly calls. I’m so grateful to APF for everything they are doing to support people like me. Thank you!
If you would like a call from our support line, get in touch with us.